Comic Muse, with Guiness
Thalia's  Adventures at the Site Fights

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Among the things I have gotten out of the Site Fights:

My page improved every day from the tips, examples and feedback I got -- and the pressure of competition! :)

I have made new friends, who cheer for me as I cheer for them. I have kept them even through the variations of the Site Fights -- like having a teammate you were voting for start running against you (Hi Chi!) :), or someone you were voting for start running against a teammate (Hi, Meg!) :)

I've been motivated to come up with new material for my page regularly, so I am writing more.
(The Site Fights are a boost for creativity -- Muses like the Site Fights!)

And I've gotten to meet a neat bunch of (sparkle)(sparkle)Fairies!

I have been dusted by Fairies, kissed by Fairies, and given a Fairy Piper for my page. The Frompers love it all.

Lady "La Petite Fe'erique" gave me this beautiful Spirit Page Award.
Great Spirit Page!

The Fairies and Wee ones are a delightful part of the Site Fights -- they carry the Spirit. Don't miss them! Visit the Fairies.

January 25, 1998, the Fairies gave Ringmasters this Team Spirit Award!
DFairy Cheerleader

January 29, 1998, four Ringmasters won the Spirit Award! This was the entry the Spirit team made for me:

Lady Enchantra Comments: This site is loaded with spirit indeed. Her spirit page is easy to read and we1l set out and she has many cheers about other team members also. I can tell she spreads her spirit around the site fights. This is a great site and would be a worthwhile choice for the spirit award.
Fairy Starlite Comments: Anitra's SPiRiT is absolutely astounding! With her spirit page she cheers on her fellow ringmasters and has individual cheers and banners for each of the sites she supports...I saw at least 3 banners and cheers for her fellow teammates' sites! Her wonderful combination of spirit and style make her more than deserving of the SPiRiT award. :)
Thalia, the Greek Muse of Comedy
This is a very Created site, filled with Wonderful Spirit! I certainly enjoyed Some of her Creations! Her Spirit Page carries the Spirit for all! Your sure to see the Spirit she has for the Ringmasters through her site! Thalia, the Greek Muse of Comedy has made it to Clown Alley #1!

The Spirit of the Site Fight Reigns Here!

Go see who won today!

February 20, 1998, I got written up in DSuspendA'd! DSuspenda gave me these awards:
Golden SundpendAs Check out the current SuspendA'd Sentences. Trash Talk Demystify the Internet at Empty Trash Talk. (Do quite a lot of other things with it, too.)

The piece that DSuspendA liked the best was The Emotional Olympics.

Site Fights Approved by DPatrol
Surf the Site Fights --
"Where they're fighting for fun,
and friendship's begun."

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I no longer play the Site Fights, but I record warm memories at my Spirit StickSpirit Page.

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Thursday, 17-Jan-2002 07:40:27 EST