Science-Fiction Research

Nuclear war stories in SF
Supplement to previously-published book bibliography.
The Moon in Science Fiction
Extrasolar Planets Encyclopedia
The Astrobiology Web
EurekAlert! Scientific press releases

General Research

Archaeological Guide for Europe
Stumpers-List and archives
The Stumpers list is mostly for reference librarians (and others performing such duties) asking for help with questions. It can be a fascinating place to browse.
Electronic Zoo
Plant Tracker
World Species List
THOR+: The Virtual Reference Desk

Markets & Workshops

Science Fiction Writer's Workshop by Barry Longyear,
at BiblioBytes, a free online book site.
Writer's market listings
and links to guidelines on magazines' and publishers' sites.
Locus: the trade magazine for the SF field.
Virtual Sample Copy
Home pages of magazines and book publishers. Many have guidelines. Some have samples of the fiction they buy. It is most highly recommended to read a magazine, to really know what they publish, before you send in your stories.
Speculations magazine
Ask for a free sample; it will be market information. Follow links to other sources of market info (on paper and electronic); and to various other useful stuff.
John Labovitz's e-zine-list
Searchable database of 2700 E-zines. Including Fantasy.
Stef Jones' Market Page
List of Questionable Agents
Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America (SFWA)
Among other things: A new section with warnings about dubious agents and publishers. Articles on writing and selling.
Forums on, among other things, various aspects of writing. (Dan Goodman recommends the one on writer's block.) Forums run by various members -- who may include some of your favorite writers. Links to writers' home pages. newsgroups (guest)
Northwest Science Fiction Resources
Information about conventions; resources for writers; links to fandom, to bookstores and to etc.
Creative Writing Tips for Aspiring Authors of Science Fiction, Fantasy, and Horror.
Recommended links from the Mining Company
Deirdre's Science Fiction and Fantasy Writer's Resources
Dreamsong Fantasy Writer's Resource
The Dragon Hawthorne
Some Quotes from fantasy and science fiction authors, about writing.
Bartlett's Quotations
Bibliography of SF/F "by and about People of Color"
From librarian Dennis K. Lien: "Incomplete and there are some inaccurate entries in what is included, but still interesting, with a lot of small-press-only writers not usually listed."
Rutgers SF-Lovers archive
Yanoff's Special Internet Connections: Literature
Scott Yanoff has a vast compilation of interesting links -- the click points to the literature section, but scroll around and check the others out too.
Internet Speculative Fiction DataBase
Index to Science Fiction Anthologies and Collections
The Locus Index: Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Horror: 1984-1998
Writers and Their Copyright Holders
Background Briefing
Wonderfully informative site by Neil Weiner, and independent researcher and writer, suumarizing historic background on everything from the Balkans to the White House Staff. If everybody on TV is talking about Forensic Evidence and you don't know what that is, check Neil Weiner.
Ecola Newsstand
The On-line Books Page
Alexandria Virtual Library
List compiled with the help of Dan Goodman and the members of the Science Fiction and Fantasy email workshop,
To subscribe, send mail saying subscribe sf-and-f to

Dan has lots more interesting stuff at his site. Check it out.