The Stumpers list is mostly for reference librarians (and others
performing such duties) asking for help with questions. It can be
a fascinating place to browse.
Home pages of magazines and book publishers. Many have guidelines.
Some have samples of the fiction they buy. It is most highly recommended
to read a magazine, to really know what they publish,
before you send in your stories.
Ask for a free sample; it will be market information. Follow links
to other sources of market info (on paper and electronic); and to
various other useful stuff.
Forums on, among other things, various aspects of writing. (Dan
Goodman recommends the one on writer's block.) Forums run by various members -- who may include some of your favorite writers.
Links to writers' home pages.
From librarian Dennis K. Lien: "Incomplete and there are some inaccurate
entries in what is included, but still interesting, with a lot of
small-press-only writers not usually listed."
Scott Yanoff has a vast compilation of interesting links -- the
click points to the literature section, but scroll around and check
the others out too.
Wonderfully informative site by Neil Weiner, and independent researcher
and writer, suumarizing historic background on everything from the
Balkans to the White House Staff. If everybody on TV is talking about
Forensic Evidence and you don't know what that is, check Neil Weiner.