& Eid



- Chanukah
@ Torah.org - This beautiful religious site also has recipes, greeting
cards, and an online menorah with real audio blessings
- Aish
HaTorah - Chanukah Site for the family: songs, stories, recipes, religious
articles, & How-To Guide
- The
Jewish Outreach Institute - blessing, traditions, history, activities
& SpinTheDriedel
- V I R
T U A L - C H A N U K A H - A project of American Friends of Lubavitch
- Chanukah
On the Net
- Billy
Bear's Hanukkah - a great site for kids: lots of crafts & activities,
including Hanukkah stationery to print out
- Chanukah
Time at Kid's Domain - another great site for kids
- Chanukah
e-cards with recipes

- Winter
solstice celebrations of Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Neopaganism,
etc - from ReligiousTolerance.org
- Ancient
Origins: Solstice from Candlegrove.com
- Winter
Solstice : Celebrating the Seasons - Tips on lore & rituals
- Winter
Solstice Symbols
- A
list of resources for Yule, the Sabbat of the Winter Solsticefrom paganwicccan.about.com
- A Winter Solstice Ritual combining the rites of Saturnalia, Brumalia,
and Ops.
- The Julian
Society, a non-denominational religious order dedicated to the restoration
of paganism.
Romana, Roman religion in antiquity and today.