A Song for Wes
He is the very model of a modern homeless gentleman.
His teeth can out-tobacco any X-Files Cigarette-Smoking-Man.
His ponytail swings freely in the breezes over Puget and
He wears a Real Change t-shirt! Well-stained blue-jeans! The best tweed jacket that ever came out of an ash-can!
He is the very model of a modern homeless gentleman.
No one ever bums his beer because it tastes like Juice of Garbage Can!
He wrote the Gourmet's Guide to Soup Kitchens, and what would have been written about camping out in parks from a Dylan Thomas fan.
He is the very model of a modern homeless gentleman.
He has no time to dilly-dally in the bureaucratic jam;
He must be on the Net to fight all Foolishness, as this exam-
ple does exemplify, and will doubtless draw the fire of the very model of a modern homeless gentleman!
<Note: Wes is no longer homeless, and no longer smokes. He still drinks cheap beer and takes great gladness in Fools.>