Short Prose
* Round
Robin Fantasy
Bus Shelters
* Notes from the Pole
* Dust Bunny Rights!
* Frompers! (CH 1)
* On Risk (Ch. 1, V. 1)
* On Risk: (Ch 1, V 2)
* Morning Coffee
* Morning Is Broken
* Duck!
* The Petition
* Frompers! (CH 2)
* Little Monsters
* Third Millennium
* Self-Help Santa
* Orzul
* Benvert
Humorous Poems
* Cat Notes
* LowKu
* Cute
* Lacroix's
* Earth Turns
Poems with Humor
* Someday I'll...
* Heartland
* Heroines
* Another Night
Special Interests
* AFPfilk |
* The Binch That Stole Tuesday
originally from the Dave&Geri Show; credited elsewhere to Rob SuggsI hope that poem seems as positive to you as it does to me. My featuring it here does not constitute an endorsement of hatred toward all men in turbans. September 11 Activism Page.
Previous Features **
The Quest of Benvert
SPCIO: Society for the Prevention of Cruelty
to Inanimate Objects
My Mother's
Emotional Olympics
Hershey's Miniatures Personality Indicator
Satire & Parody
Matriarchal Humor
* NIMBY Pride Week
* Homeless Declaration
of Independence
* Bad Habits
* Ghostletters
* Overcommitment Anon.
* 12 Step Recovery for
Majordomo Users
* Life Addicts Recovery
* Compulsive Humor 12Step
* A Modern Psalm
* Red Tape Come Again
No More
* It's All for Me Web
* Down Again!
* Seattle Jabberwalk
* Insult
* How Cute is Wes
* The Newt
* Dr. Seuss's Keys
* Assault on Edna
* Recuerdo/Ricardo
* Modern Poetry
* Open Mic
Items become Features when a lot of people write in to say they liked them. Nominate a feature?
* Bound for Valparaiso
* E-Exorcism
* Leggo My
* HaiKu and
* An Ode to
* Christmas Wish List
* Fun with Stereotypes
* Commentary on Cats
* Literary Parody
Gleanings from the Net
There are many writings circulated
around the Internet without credit to the originators. I will try to
post them here with credit.
Poems by Literary Cats
* Lost Star Trek Script
* New Microsoft Product
* Microsoft Acquires US
* Microsoft Acquires God
Psychiatrist Bashing
Writer Bashing
* Worst Ads
* Worst Headlines
* Worst Analogies
* Worst Country Songs
* Memorable Quotes
* How you should
do it,
when you become
an Evil Overlord.
* If God Had a Computer
* Why Did the Chicken
Cross the Road?
the definitive collection
* Error-Message
Book Reviews
* Confederacy
of Dunces
* Humorous
* Humorous mystery books
Humor Workshop
* My Favorite Humorists
* The
Humorist List
* The Unicorn
Post your own humor